Last week I wanted to add a blog to my Angular Universal website, but I didn’t wanted to implement a complex solution and spend to much time on it. Neither did I wanted to add a CMS or even store the articles in a database. That’s why I came up, I think, with a pretty handy, for not saying dumb simple, solution with the implementation of a blog based on markdown files 🚀
Before going further: If you are looking to implement a blog, you are looking to share your stories but you are also most probably looking to make your website more SEO friendly. Therefore, I assume that you already have implemented an Angular SSR website. If not, I would really advise you to have a look to that particular topic and if you do have, don’t miss the very last chapter of this article, a kind of hack is needed in order to load the resources correctly on the backend side
The only required extra library we will need to implement the solution is ngx-markdown of [Jean-Francois Cere ( It will add the markdown support to our website respectively this awesome library will do all the job for us, it will read the markdown files and parse them to html 💪😃
npm install ngx-markdown --save
As I said above, the idea is to use markdown files as sources for the blog. In this solution I ship the files within the app, placing them under the assets
- assets > blog > the list of blog entries
- assets > blog > post > *.md: the articles (= blog posts) themselves
For this solution we will need to add two routes to our website
- A route “/blog” which will display a list of all articles
- A route “/blog/post/name-of-the-article” which will display a particular blog post. In this route example the blog post name is “name-of-the-article”
I did group all routes under the same “blog” path, therefore the structure will look like the following once implemented
First of all, we create a main blog.module.ts
which will route the submodules and import the markdown library
imports: [
{path: '', pathMatch: 'full',
loadChildren: './blog/blog-view.module#BlogViewModule'},
{path: 'post',
loadChildren: './post/blog-post-view.module#BlogPostViewModule'},
Now we could create the blog-view
which will display the list of blog entries with the help of the Angular cli. To the default moduleswe only have to add the import of the markdown module
declarations: [BlogViewComponent],
imports: [
{ path: '', component: BlogViewComponent}
Finally, we could add a markdown directive to our template blog view.component.html
which will automatically load and display the content of the markdown file, told you it’s super easy 😂
<div markdown [src]="'./assets/blog/'"></div>
As you could notice, the directive reference the
file which just consists of the list of entries (one title, subtitle and author per blog post) and relative urls which will be used for the navigation
## [Title](/blog/post/name-of-the-article)
### [Subtitle](/blog/post/name-of-the-article)
Posted by [David]( on September 6, 2018
Now that our blog-view
is ready, we could add our blog-post-view
. As we did previously we need to add MarkdownModule.forChild()
to the module but we also need to define the parameter of the route (‘:id’) which will allow us to retrieve the post to load, because here comes the trick: **the post route take as parameter the name of the post we want to display respectively the name of the markdown file to load. **So let’s say in our example that we want to display the blog post assets > blog > post >
our route will look like /blog/post/name-of-the-article
declarations: [BlogPostViewComponent],
imports: [
{ path: '', component: BlogPostViewComponent},
{ path: ':id', component: BlogPostViewComponent, pathMatch: 'full'}
Once done, we could again add the directive to our template, this time we are not going to reference a particular file but rather use a variable name post
<div markdown [src]="post"></div>
I guess you understood, since we are using a route parameter, we have to
initialize this variable using the interface ActivatedRoute
selector: 'app-blog-post-view',
styleUrls: ['./blog-post-view.component.scss'],
templateUrl: './blog-post-view.component.html'
export class BlogPostViewComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private sub: Subscription;
post: string;
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) {
ngOnInit() {
this.sub = this.route.params.subscribe(params => { = './assets/blog/post/' + params['id'] + '.md';
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.sub) {
Et voilà, that’s it, nothing more nothing left in order to route, load and display our blog 👍
Of course the solution would probably need a bit of styling, I won’t cover that in this article but if you are using Bootstrap you could for example have a look to this [free clean blog theme (
Once implemented and styled our blog could look like the one I have implemented 👉
Cherry on the cake 🍒🎂
I realized it afterwards, but you know what’s the cherry on the cake of this solution? You could easily export you Medium stories as markdown (for example with this [Chrome extension]( posts-to-m/aelnflnmpbjgipamcogpdoppjbebnjea)) and therefore integrate them quickly in the blog we just created 🎉
Bonus hack 🤖
While developing this blog solution I faced the problem that ngx-markdown
was not able to load the markdown files, from the assets folder using relative paths and the HttpClientModule
, on the server side of my Angular Universal app which ultimately would have had for effect that such content would have been ignored by crawlers 😢 Prior to Angular v6 I would have solved this by loading resources directly from the filesystem (usingfs
) but unfortunately this isn’t possible anymore. Fortunately 😅 I found the following discussion and issue which allowed my to solve the problem
In order to help our Angular Universal server to load correctly the resources we need for ngx-markdown
, the idea is to intercept all Http requests with the goal to rewrite them with an understandable server side host path. Not rocket science but definitely a must have for our implementation of a friendly SEO blog based on markdown files
import {Inject, Injectable, PLATFORM_ID} from '@angular/core';
import {HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest} from '@angular/common/http';
import {isPlatformServer} from '@angular/common';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs'
providedIn: 'root'
export class HttpInterceptorService implements HttpInterceptor {
constructor(@Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId: Object) {
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
if (isPlatformServer(this.platformId) && req.url.includes('./')) {
return next.handle(req.clone({
url: `http://localhost:8000/${req.url.replace('./', '')}`
return next.handle(req);
Have fun blogging 🤓
To infinity and beyond 🚀