Chain a social login from your website to your PWA

Chain a social login from your website to your PWA

Sep 20, 2018

#angular #pwa #login #authentication

Great news, after having open-sourced my mobile and progressive web app Fluster last week, I follow up my move by releasing today my website on GitHub ๐ŸŽ‰

Beside maybe the fact that this website is build with Angular, run as a server-side rendered app (SSR) and contains a simple blog based on markdown files, it looks probably pretty common. But, if you give it a second chance, you might notice, I hope, something interesting: this website offers its users the ability to perform a login with their social accounts, Google or Facebook, and to jump afterwards directly to my progressive web app ๐Ÿ˜‹

Social login flows with a PWA

You may ask yourself how to implement social login in PWA? I wonโ€™t cover that particular subject in this article, but if needed, to point you in the right direction, I have implemented an โ€œOpenID connectโ€ flow for the Google login and a โ€œmanual login flowโ€ for the Facebook one.

The idea beside these two flows, is to redirect the users, after they successfully logged themselves in their social accounts, to our application with temporary tokens in order to to validate and to complete the process with our backend.

Chaining a social login from a website to a PWA

The challenge of such a login flow is that it has to happens between two different applications (the website and the PWA). Furthermore, to add just a bit of complexity, both applications might be served in two different subdomains. Iโ€™ll try to explain and display how it could be solve easily with the example of a Google login flow.


First, the easy part, we add a button to our website:

<button (click)="googleLogin()">Log me in with Google</button>

Then we implement the function googleLogin() which does the following:

  • It generates a random state to identify the login flow
  • Writes this state in a cookie (which should be available across our
  • It finally redirects the user to her/his social account
constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: Document) { } googleLogin() { const state = this.generateRandomString(16); const url = ''; const webClientId = 'my-google-web-client-id'; // The redirect url to be called after a successful login const pwaUrl = ''; // First we save the state in a cookie this.writeCookieState(state, true).then(() => { // Then we build our social login url const googleUrl: string = url + 'client_id=' + webClientId + '&response_type=code&scope=openid%20profile%20email&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(pwaUrl) + '&nonce=' + state + '&state=' + state; // And we redirect the user to his google account this.document.location.href = googleUrl; }); private writeCookieState(state: string, googleAuth: boolean) : Promise<{}> { return new Promise((resolve) => { // Note here the specific domain beginning with a point // Thatโ€™s one of the key in order to be able to read the cookie from the subdomain const baseDomain = '.mydomain.comโ€™; const expireAfter: Date = moment(new Date()).add(5, 'mโ€™).toDate(); this.document.cookie = 'Our_state={"state":"' + state + '", "googleAuth": ' + googleAuth + '}; expires=' + expireAfter + '; domain=' + baseDomain + '; path=/โ€™; resolve(); }); } generateRandomString(length: number): string { let text = ''; const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; } }

Good, nothing much to do in our website. We reached the point where we saved the state in a cookie and we redirected the user to her/his social account. Once successfully logged in, she/he will be redirected again but this time to our other application because we provided as parameter a redirection URL, not to our website, but to our PWA.

Progressive Web App

I will not go to deep in details about how to validate and complete the login flow in the PWA, but here are the key points regarding the particular subject of this article which I did implement in my app build with Ionic:

  1. The redirection to our PWA will happens with an url containing a code and a state as parameters. To catch these information, we could intercept them in app.component.ts and save them in a provider:
ngOnInit() { const state: string = this.platform.getQueryParam('state'); const code: string = this.platform.getQueryParam('code'); this.loginService.setState(state); this.loginService.setCode(code); }
  1. Once our PWA is fully loaded, we could start automatically the login process.
    Before displaying some codes, here a summary of what we are going to do:
  • First we will check if a state and a code have been read and added to our
  • Then we will try to retrieve the state we previously saved in the cross-domain
  • Finally we will compare both states to validate the flow, respectively to
    validate the fact that the user who tries to log in is effectively the user who
    wants to log in
constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: Document) { } private ionViewWillEnter() { const state: string = this.loginService.getState(); const code: string = this.loginService.getCode(); if (state && code) { const cookieState = this.getPwaLoginStateCookie(); if (cookieState && state === cookieState.state) { // All good, we could do the login this.doPwaLoginAndNavigate(cookiePwaLoginState, code); } } } private getPwaLoginStateCookie(): any { if (!this.document.cookie) { return null; } const cookies: RegExpExecArray = RegExp('Our_state' + '[^;]+').exec(this.document.cookie); if (!cookies) { return null; } const cookie: string = decodeURIComponent(!!cookies ? cookies.toString().replace(/^[^=]+./, '') : ''); if (!cookie || cookie.indexOf('state') === -1) { return null; } return JSON.parse(cookie); }

Voilร , we were able to chain a login flow from our website to our PWA ๐Ÿ˜‡

Cherry on the cake ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽ‚

As I said in my introduction, Fluster is open source, therefore, if the above code samples are a bit hard to swallow, just clone my website and app. It will be, I hope, easier to follow once you have opened them in your favorite editor ๐Ÿ˜‰

To infinity and beyond ๐Ÿš€
