Hide environment variables in your StencilJS project

How to hide environment variables in the repo of your projects developed with StencilJS or the Ionic PWA Toolkit

Mar 27, 2019

#webcomponents #stencil #javascript #html

In a previous article I described how I implemented environment variables in my Stencil’s projects or in my projects created with the Ionic PWA toolkit.

Since this publication, we began to work actively on our upcoming editor for PWA presentations, DeckDeckGo, and as the project is open source and published on GitHub, we thought that it would maybe be a not too bad idea to not publish our API keys and other Firebase tokens online in our public repo 😉

For that reason, I had to go a step further than my previous post respectively I had to find and develop a solution to save separately our keys. Therefore I’m happy to share my solution with this new blog post 😃

Side note

Yes, we are aware that our environment variables will be contained in our client bundle and therefore exposed to anyone with a bit of retro engineering but we thought that it would be a bit cleaner to not push them in our Git repo.

Getting started

Stencil’s projects relies on Rollup, therefore we are not going to reinvent the wheel, we are just going to use the Rollup’s plugin rollup plugin-replace which we install running the following command line:

npm install rollup-plugin-replace --save-dev

This plugin will allow us to replace values at bundle time.

Configuring the environments

Once the plugin installed, we could edit our configuration in our bootstrap classes respectively we could edit our app.ts file in order to replace the values we want to hide. In this specific post we are going to hide the url of the API. To do so, we are going to replace the values with a unique selector (which will be automatically replaced with the real values at bundling time once we have implemented the all solution):

import {setupConfig} from '../app/services/environment/environment-config'; setupConfig({ url: '<@API_URL@>', production: true });

In my previous article we defined two different environments and therefore I will still assume that our goal is to handle two environments, respectively production and development .

Identically we are then going to replace the API url with our selector in the development configuration, respectively in the app-dev.ts file:

import {setupConfig} from '../app/services/environment/environment-config'; setupConfig({ url: '<@API_URL@>', production: false });

Note that we are using <@ and @> to make our selector really unique. These attributes aren’t static, if you rather like to use others it’s absolutely up-to you, no problem. You should then just reflect later in this tutorial your modifications when you will configure the plugin.

Defining the selectors’ values

To finalize the configuration, we should now create “somewhere” some files which will contain the real values for our selectors. Personally, I have chosen a solution where I handle the values in json files, placed at the root of my project and excluded from Git (I have added them to the list of Git .ignored files). We could therefore for example create a new file config.prod.json at the root of the project and edit it with our selector and real values:

{ "API_URL": "https://api.production.com" }

Of course, we should also now create another configuration file config.dev.json for the selector and values or our development environment:

{ "API_URL": "http://localhost:3002" }

Running the application

Now that our configuration is ready, we should just configure and use the plugin we installed before in order to replace the selector with the real values at bundle time. For that purpose we are going to edit stencil.config.ts like the following:

import replace from 'rollup-plugin-replace'; // See my previous article for development detection const dev: boolean = process.argv && process.argv.indexOf('--dev') > -1; import devConfig from './config.dev.json'; import prodConfig from './config.prod.json'; const configValues = dev ? devConfig : prodConfig; export const config: Config = { ... plugins: [ replace({ exclude: 'node_modules/**', delimiters: ['<@', '@>'], values: configValues }), ... };

Voilà, nothing more, nothing less 🎉 From now on, each time you application will be bundled, the configuration values you saved separately or you didn’t committed in your repo will be injected at bundle time, easy peasy 👻

Cherry on the cake 🍒🎂

Like I said in my introduction, this solution is implemented in our upcoming editor for PWA presentations DeckDeckGo and, as this project is open source, you are most welcomed to have a look at the solution I have implemented. You will notice that I implemented the exact same code and configuration as above but you will not find any config.prod.json or config.dev.json in our repo 😉


To infinity and beyond 🚀
