StorybookJS: Tips & Tricks

Import Markdown files as Docs only pages, use a CDN to load dependencies & sort stories.

May 5, 2021

#javascript #storybook #webdev #webcomponents

Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

I just migrated the documentation of DeckDeckGo to StorybookJS. More than its ability to simplify building and testing, I like to use it for documentation purpose because it allows me to integrate the files that StencilJS generates automatically. Sparring steps between code and documentation is the best don’t you think?

Here are a couple of tips & tricks I reused, or discovered, along the process.

Import Markdown Files Into StorybookJS

One particularly cool feature of StencilJS is that, out of the box, it auto-generates files in markdown from the code’s comments. Isn’t that neat?

I think it is. Therefore, to even push to concept further, I set up StorybookJS to import these Markdown files as Docs only pages. In that way, the documentation remains and, is edited as close as possible of the code and delivered to the end user without any interruption.


At the time of writing the StorybookJS issue #11981 list miscellaneous solutions, including using the transcludeMarkdown settings or raw loader. If following solution does not suit you, try one of these.


Even though it works very well, I did not manage to highlight the block of codes displayed in the pages and imported from Markdown files. I commented the issue accordingly.

If you manage to solve this, let me now or, even better, send me a Pull Request on GitHub 😉.


I am using the HTML version of Storybook, I handle my stories in .js files as for example in a Text.stories.js in which I document a paragraph that accepts a background color as argument.

export default { title: "Components/Text", argTypes: { bg: { control: "color" } } }; export const Text = ({ bg }) => { return `<p style="background: ${bg};"> Hello World </p>`; }; Text.args = { bg: "#FF6900" };

According StorybookJS, we can replace the DocsPage template on a Component-Level to showcase our own documentation with MDX docs or a custom component. That’s why, next to our story we create a new file Text.mdx , which we import and provide as page to our story.

import { Doc } from "./Text.mdx"; export default { title: "Components/Text", parameters: { docs: { page: Doc } }, argTypes: { bg: { control: "color" } } }; export const Text = ({ bg }) => { return `<p style="background: ${bg};"> Hello World </p>`; }; Text.args = { bg: "#FF6900" };

Finally, in our .mdx file, we import our file (or any other Markdown files) and, we remix the DocsPage with a custom documentation, using the basic Storybook Description block.

import { Description } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks"; import readme from "./"; export const Doc = () => <Description markdown={readme} />;

That’s it, the Markdown file is integrated as Docs pages in StorybookJS 🥳.

Use A CDN To Load Dependencies

Not sure anyone would ever had that requirements but, if like me, you would need to load dependencies from a CDN, here’s the trick: add your script to ./storybook/preview-head.html . It will be evaluated with your stories.

Likewise, if you would like to define some style or load a specific Google Font for your components, you can modify the same file as well.

Some examples taken from my preview-head.html file:

<link rel="preconnect" href="" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="module" src="" ></script> <style> pre:not(.prismjs) > div { box-shadow: none; margin: 25px 0; } </style>

Sort Stories

A specific order for the stories can be defined in ./storybook/preview.js using the property storySort. Each chapter have to be provided as string and their list of stories as an array .

import theme from "./theme"; export const parameters = { actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" }, options: { storySort: { order: ["Introduction", ["Introduction", "Getting Started"], "Edit", ["HTML", "Lazy Loading"]] } }, docs: { theme } };

The names should match these provided as title in the stories.

With MDX using meta :

import { Meta } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks"; <Meta title="Introduction/Getting Started" />;

With JS through the default title :

export default { title: "Components/Lazy Image", argTypes: { imgSrc: { control: "text" } } };


StencilJS + StorybookJS =
Awesome 💪

To infinity and beyond!
