
I've had the pleasure of collaborating with a diverse range of clients. From small startups and corporates to universities and foundations.

Personal Projects

As an open-source enthusiast, I've developed various personal projects. Here are some of my notable creations:


Hi there! 👋

I'm a freelance web developer and contractor based in Zürich, Switzerland.

I build performant, user-centric web applications. I develop both visually appealing apps and kick-ass architecture layers. Clients often hire me to create prototypes, products, or entire ecosystems from scratch.

My frontend skills include Svelte, Angular, React and StencilJS, though I'm particularly passionate about framework-agnostic solutions using TypeScript.

Not being a big fan of big tech fuels an interest in decentralized networks — especially the Internet Computer, on which I built Juno.

While I don't handle backend work for clients, I have developed smart contracts in Rust for my personal projects.

I hold degrees in Computer Engineering and an Executive Master’s in Business Administration (EMBA), and I’m fluent in French, German, and English.

When I'm not coding, you can find me running on mountain trails. 🏔️🏃

If you have a project in mind or need some help, get in touch!


Over the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to speak at and run workshops at several conferences:

I’m always pumped by new opportunities, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you think it would be great to have me in your lineup!



I rarely send out a newsletter, but when I do, it highlights the exciting side projects I develop for fun, along with my latest blog posts. Stay in the loop with my journey!

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New skills I have learned and technologies I have used are part of my blog series, where I share the results of my recent work. That said, I’ve been blogging less lately as my focus is on building Juno.

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